
I am always open to collaborating on new projects and helping design and implement high-quality surveys. If you are interested in collaborating with me, drop me a line.

Beyond academia, I am a registered sole trader (consultant). As a methodologist, I believe it is important to use my skills to solve real-world problems and help others better design and analyse socially relevant surveys and web tracking strategies.

My expertise can be broadly divided into two areas 1) designing, applying, and analysing surveys; and 2) developing web tracking strategies.

Regarding surveys, I have expertise in assessing, designing, and fielding web and mobile surveys. From 2016 to 2018, I collaborated with the online opt-in panel Netquest as a member of the Netquest Research lab, exploring ways to improve the way data is collected through web surveys and discover new approaches to implement advanced Data Science methods for contemporary online research. I have also collaborated with the CROss-National Online Survey (CRONOS) panel, exploring ways to improve panelist responding behaviour. As a consultant I have been involved in the creation and assessment of a longitudinal survey 1) of people in debt in the UK for MoneyHelper, and 2) of health and care workers in Wales for the Social Care Institute for Excellence. Apart from my experience designing surveys, I can also offer my skills analysing complex survey datasets. In 2021 I teamed with Wellcome Trust to analyse a two-wave cross-national survey in 113 countries about mental health and the impact of COVID on opinions about science.

Web tracking can be a good approach to substitute or enhance surveys. Nonetheless, collecting high-quality web tracking data is very complex. Thanks to my research, I can consult and collaborate in projects involving this data collection approach that want to obtain valid and reliable results. A good example of this is the TRI-POL project, a longitudinal cross-national survey combined with web tracking data in which I have collaborated. Together with researchers at TRI-POL, we created new methodologies to detect, assess and prevent errors when collecting web tracking data. This will allow them better understand the limits of their data, and produce more valid and honest scientific evidence.